Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Back, Finally

It's been so long since I've written here that I had to reintroduce myself to my blog. I don't know where April, May, and June went. But I will try a short recap.
I moved Spoken Interludes to the fabulous Chutney Masala on the Hudson River. The food is divine, and I never even thought I cared for Indian food, but it's now my favorite place. Audience favorite Arthur Phillips

read, along with Pam Lewis, and Greg Ames. David Denby talked about his new book, Snark. All wonderful fun.
Then I went to Newburyport for the book festival there, and got to see and catch up with Elinor Lipman, who I adore, and David Ebershoff, who I did a book festival with earlier this year. And I got to see my dear Dubus cousins, which was just wonderful. I missed André's talk, but Dan got to hear him. The boys and I were on a great playground outside during it, but got visit time after. And then to the beach with Peggy. It was a gorgeous day, like summer, and I had no idea it was so close, so that was heaven.

Signing at Newburyport.

Then in mid-May, I went back to the Vo-tech school in lower New Jersey to do my one day outreach writing program workshop I do there twice a year. The kids there are darling and sweet and motivated, and I loved being with them. Here are some of the seniors.

Then we did one more Spoken Interludes because the April show was so fun at Chutney, and I don't have to drive far - my LA years are showing!
Lee Woodruff read and Ben Cheever who is so charming and funny, and I love hearing him read, and Doug Rushkoff, and Joanna Hershon, who I'd be trying to get there forever, so that was a wonderful way to end the season.

Then I did a book festival in Paramus, their first one. The day threatened rain, but it held out, miraculously, since that is all we've had lately. It feels like home.
Anyway, this has been just a hello, I'm still around, blog, but now that I'm back, I'll be here again more soon.
